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Why iTz noT's Meat Alternatives Are The Perfect Plant-Based Option

Why iTz noT's Meat Alternatives Are The Perfect Plant-Based Option

Meat substitutes made from plants are created to satisfy customer demand for protein-rich food supply. Their nutritional characteristics are nearly identical to those of meats derived from animals. Also, using meat-alternatives or vegan-meat reduces cattle and poultry butchering that has  detrimental effects on the environment. Furthermore, the use of plant-based meat substitutes has expanded due to recent marketing campaigns and product development initiatives.

However, it still has a long way to go and become hundred percent perfectly viable. Currently, efforts are being made to improve the qualities of meat alternatives through product formulations and processing technology. Moreover, several additives are used to produce the texture, juiciness, mouthfeel, and meat flavour. Thus, it raises questions regarding food safety, nutrition, cost, clean label, and customer confidence.

In the wake of eating mindfully, "iTz noT" emerged as a brand and a force for change, demonstrating that eating healthy can be exciting for the environment and the taste buds. We provide healthy solutions for your body and symphony for your tongue that are low in carbohydrates, gluten-free, and cruelty-free. Additionally, our products are crafted with meticulous attention to detail for sustainable sourcing and eco-friendly techniques, every bite celebrates your taste and smell sensations. 

Components of Plant-based Meat Substitutes

The choice of ingredients determines the qualities of meat substitutes, such as consistency, flavour, colour, etc. Meat substitutes contain between 50 and 80 percent water, 4 to 20 per cent non-textured protein, 10 to 25 per cent vegetable textured protein, 3 to 10 per cent flavouring additives, 0 to 15 percent fat, 0 to 5 per cent colouring agents, and 1 to 15 per cent binding agents. These constituents or elements combine to give meat substitutes the necessary texture and sensory qualities. In addition to cutting expenses, the high water content creates the juiciness required, acts as a softener during the process, and facilitates emulsification. The additional protein provides texture, and  flavour for nourishment. 

To create entirely vegetarian and vegan dishes, the textured proteins can be substituted by blending the proteins from non-meat sources with the meat. Meat extenders lack the texture, colour, and flavour of beef when cooked, but when combined with meat, they improve the product's overall quality. Conversely, meat substitutes are made to replicate the entire meat shape, feel, flavour, and colour when cooked and moistened without using actual meat ingredients.

Therefore, the consistency of the raw materials could be improved with the least amount of chemicals or additions. Concentrates of soy protein, egg white, wheat gluten, or other adhesive agents such as starches and hydrocolloids are employed to increase the water-holding capacity. Consumer pleasure is determined by the product's form, flavour, and consistency. 

Are Plant-based Meats Healthy?

Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can all be found in plant-based components and have positive health effects. Additionally, studies suggest that plant-based diets may help with diabetes, the microbiome, and weight management. Further, they might aid in preventing several illnesses, including cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Trusted Source.

Furthermore, the World Health Organisation(WHO). Other official organisations are concerned about carcinogens in red and processed meats that may raise the risk of cancer. Eat more plant-based protein instead of beef, suggests the American Heart Association (AHA), to help protect your heart.

On the other hand, some plant-based foods may be heavy in saturated fats and contain fillers and extra sodium. Furthermore, while some producers provide the body-necessary vitamin B12 in their goods, some still need to, making plant-based meats inferior. Plant-based foods also have less zinc and other nutrients than conventional meat.

Reasons to Go Vegan

Both the demand and popularity are rising daily. Thus, the question of why a person should choose vegan meat emerges. The answer is obvious:

  1. It is the best way to lessen the number of animals killed.
  2. It is more environmentally friendly and sustainable.
  3. It is nutrient-dense and tastes better. 

People are becoming more mindful of the environment and the effects of their actions, making them more cautious. 

The use of vegan meat can substantially negatively impact the environment in all respects, including land use, mitigation of climate change, and water. The livestock production industry is one of the sectors with the highest emissions of greenhouse gases and carbon intensity. 

Meals made primarily of plants can lower carbon emissions. If you're in the UK and need options, think about signing up for "iTz noT," a health program that provides vegan food options. 


Plant-based substitutes provide answers for several issues. To produce meat, they need very little water and cropland. They also emit very few greenhouse gases. Consuming a plant-based diet enhances mental performance. A plant-based diet may not need more calcium, vitamins, or protein. Using plant-based alternatives is a simple method to satiate your appetites while maintaining the texture of your favourite bangers when you become vegan.

Sustainability always comes first in all we do. We collaborate with nearby, ethically sourced suppliers, minimise waste in our production process, and utilise environmentally friendly packaging. You might still eat well and feel good about how you affect the earth.

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